Listing of TeleFinder BBS hosts from around the world
FIDO Menu Install.cpt 12159
Allows you to update Telefinder to be Tabby aware. This update adds another menu at the top of your Host set-up.
Getting Started w/TF Host.sea 41925
No Description Available
Getting Started w/TF User.sea 53906
No Description Available
NetConnect Info.cpt 14846
No Description Available
SS->TF Demo.cpt 291971
This file contains a demonstration of SS->TF Filer, a new conversion utility for converting Second Sight file descriptions to Telefinder format. This conversion utility will also adjust the size resource in the Second Sight directory to reflect true size after the Telefinder description resource is written to the file. This utility is very useful for 1). Conversion from Second Sight BBS to Telefinder format. 2). Running Dual Second Sight and Telefinder Boards with instant Telefinder updates on Descriptions. 3). Allowing Telefinder Sysops to utilize Second Sight file tools for creating FSP lists and utilizing other Second Sight Tools. Michael Bean (602) 892-5454.
SS-TF & FC Filer.cpt 903
SS->TF Filer conversion utility for converting Second Sight file descriptions to Telefinder format.
Good advice for the TeleFinder Sysop who wants to add Tabby/Fido support
TeleFinder Capture.cpt 14781
This filer allows Telefinder BBS Systems to capture text to a file for later review. This program works as a desk accessory.
Telefinder Customizer!.cpt 40053
Letsyou personalize your TeleFinder BBS system
TeleFinder Group Edition.cpt 984
Information on TeleFinder Group edition
TeleFinder InfoStack 1.0 49874
TeleFinder InfoStack 1.0 is a HyperCard database of available Telefinder systems throughout the US and includes features, phone numbers and a description on each system.
Telefinder Post-its .cpt 26229
This is a small set of modified post-it icons that I have put together for Telefinder BBS SYSOPS (or anyone else who can put them to use, of course).
TeleFinder Pro / MUG Order Form 19735
This file contains MUG special orders for Telefinder Pro... TeleFinder™ Pro - MUG Special Order For TeleFinder Pro is available to Macintosh User Groups at a special price of $45.95.
TeleFinder Suite 1.1.cpt 8001
No Description Available
TeleFinder Tools.cpt 58208
This file includes several Telefinder tools for Sysops including Path Memory, Screen Install and stat templates.
TeleFinder/User Demo.sea 278385
No Description Available
TeleFinderBBS/User 3.0.cpt 359222
TeleFinder Group Edition version 3.0 demo. This is a fully working copy of the bulletin board software. Use the TeleFinder/User demo to call our bulletin board and explore TeleFinder as a user. Use the Group Edition Host demo to set up your own BBS
TelefinderBBSList(8/92).cpt 2966
List of TeleFinder GUI BBS systems around the country
TeleFinder™ Frontier™ Suite.cpt 8158
The enclosed file called Suite.TFSuite is a TeleFinder sysop utility for use with UserLand's Frontier product.
TF BBS Layout.cpt 125468
This is a Docmaker file showing the layout and organization of a TeleFinder Host system.
TF Host Demo(8/28).sea 306651
Evaluation copy of TeleFinder Group Edition Host. This is time limited through August 28, 1992 and can register up to 5 user names.
TF Macro Tool 1.1B1.cpt 30277
No Description Available
TF Prefs.cpt 29833
No Description Available
TF Pro 1.0 Patch.cpt 796
Patch your Telefinder software
TF Users DBase(FMakr).cpt 29394
This FM doc can import your tab delimited files exported from the new User Manager (2.5) and show several different reports on overall usage by Users. Calculates average time per call, sorts by cumulative time, number of logons, etc.
TF-GetInfo.sea 16718
No Description Available
TF-ReadMe v2.6 Demo.cpt 1706
Docs for Telefinder DEMO v2.6
TFCommenter.cpt 7469
Telefinder commenter for adding file descriptions to archives
TFCommenter1.2.sea 30950
No Description Available
TF™ Frontier™ Suite 1.1.cpt 8794
This Frontier script will target a single file on your hard disk and then place an alias of it in every folder in a given directory. This is a great way for TeleFinder sysops to send mail to all users on their system.